Example Questions For Public Speaking PAC PTD 2019

by - November 04, 2019


Below are lists of actual questions for Public Speaking PAC PTD 2019:

  1. Talk about your favourite cartoon character growing up
  2. What foods do you dislike? Why?
  3. What was the last movie you saw? How was it?
  4. Describe your worst experience.
  5. Three keys to a happy life
  6. Everyone should be a volunteer
  7. Talk about your favourite type of music
  8. What human quality do we need more of?
  9. How important is time to you?
  10. If you could be a celebrity for a day, which celebrity would you be? Why?
  11. How to prepare for a job interview?
  12. In the future, how many children do you want to have?
  13. What personality traits do you want in your boyfriend or girlfriend
  14. Talk about your favourite song/album/artists.
  15. Should smoking be allowed in public?
  16. Do people really need friends?
  17. The most difficult thing i've ever done
  18. Do we need to be punctual?
  19. What is the most important skills for starting a business
  20. Three things you do well
  21. Why do teenagers smoke?
  22. Students should be encouraged to volunteer
  23. Which online games you like the most? Why?
  24. If you change the past, what would you do?
  25. If you win one million ringgit, what is the first thing you would do?
  26. Things i'll never eat
  27. Great things about the ocean
  28. What personality traits do you want in your partner?
  29. A country that i like to visit
  30. If i found a large amount of money, i would ..
  31. What is your favourite animal?
  32. A job i'd love to have
  33. Three surprising facts about me
  34. Children should not watch television
  35. Color affects the way people feel
  36. To err is human. To forgive is divine. Discuss
  37. Team sports build strong individuals.
  38. What is the worst purchase you have made?
  39. What are some inventions you hope to see in the future?
  40. How to start an online business?
  41. The most successful person you know
  42. If you had more free time, what would you do?
  43. Problems don't matter. Solutions do. "Do you agree or disagree?
  44. How you deal with stress?
  45. Have you been outside this country
  46. What is the best advice you have ever received?
  47. How to make your favourite meal?
  48. Your hero when you were a child?
  49. Would you rather use the internet or books as your main source of information?
  50. Why do you like your hobbies so much?
  51. What is your opinion on gender discrimination

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