Be positive :)

by - December 17, 2014


Tetiba hari ni terlebih rajin nak Google how to make people like us. Hahahaha. Ni gara gara bos membebel di pagi hari. Kacau sikit mood nak kerja. Tapi pekak kan telinga and just smile :) Biasalah, lumrah kerja. Bos membebel tu hanyalah penyedap dan perisa tambahan alam pekerjaan. Tapi yang tak best tu, kalau sorang yang buat silap, habis semua dibebelnya.

Chill !

Ni ada satu video yang agak logik dan boleh diterima pakai untuk semua orang. Tapi kalau untuk bodek bos, sorrylah, it not suitable. Blerrrggh ! Amboi, kerja nak membodek je ea korang. Relaks... Kalau kita buat kerja niat kerana Allah s.w.t lagi berkat. Tak gitu? Haha.

Ini ialah perkara - perkara yang perlu kita lakukan untuk orang lain suka kita. Indirectly, kita boleh create aura positif dalam diri. Gud luck babeh! :)


  1. Encourage people to talk about themselves
    It gives people pleasure and they will see as a compassionate listener

  2.  Ask for advice
    Asking someone for advice makes them feel validated and they immediately think higher of  you

  3. Conversation goes to positive direction 
    First ask about something positive in your counterpart's life. Only after getting an answer, ask about life in general. They will give more positive answer.

  4. Repeat the last three words people say
    People want to be heard. If you repeat the last three words they say, they will feel like you're listening and like you.

  5. Dont focus on negativity

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